
That’s Fresh at the Condor Club

Mojo DeVille, who’s lovely voice is featured in “That’s Fresh” invited us to film her and the general scene at the Condor Club in San Francisco for a music video. We had no idea what an amazing treat we were in for. Beautiful creatures, wily characters, rowdy patrons, fiery spirits and the enduring bones of a long standing venue made for an unforgettable adventure.

We’d especially like to thank Mojo DeVille, the Condor Club, and Max Ehrman, who’s beautiful body painting is featured throughout the video.

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The Gadgetbox Album is Live!

It’s taken years, but we’re really excited to announce that the Gadgetbox Album is finally here!

Essentially, the story is that Andy Zenczak opened up his studio to us and assembled a series of fabulous musicians who streamed through the studio over the span of three days. The musicians had no idea what they were getting into. They arrived and were pulled right into improvised live recordings that we later rearranged. The result is a rich mosaic of sounds and harmony.

Get the new album!

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Out of Chaos

This song was really a kick in terms of process. In our 2010 Gadgetbox sessions, there was one session where Jade and Ryan were in the big room banging on some keys and making some noises. I was in the mixing room and decided to just grab a random sample of the noise without any regard for rhythm and loop it to a beat. Gabe dropped some arpeggio on it and presto, we have lift off! Proving yet again that just as you can carve a masterpiece out of an otherwise average piece of granite, it is possible to make great music out of random sounds and noises.

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Download “Out of Chaos”!

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This month we’re excited to announce one of our favorite songs of the year: STRIVE. Again, we had the great pleasure of working with the string section from Audiafauna in Gadgetbox Studios.  In particular, check out Andrew’s ethereal stand up bass harmonics in the very beginning of the track.

At some point we also experimented with making a mix with Kennedy’s 1962 speech announcing plans to visit the moon. In any case, it is on account of that experiment that we arrived at the cover art for this song. It’s pretty amazing to imagine setting foot on the moon.

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Download STRIVE!

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Open Mic at Gadgetbox Studios

I went to the open mic at Gadgetbox a couple of weeks ago. It was FANTASTIC! I’m looking forward to tonight’s performances. You can read more about it on the gadgetbox open mic facebook page or watch some of the performances on youtube!
Those treated with Parkinson’s infection (11)

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The scientists found in the single biggest supporter of body

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